Components of PIP Claim Coverage

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Personal Injury

With automobile insurance, you may have been offered Personal Injury Protection or PIP. This is becoming a popular choice for many people when it comes to choosing what coverage they need. If you’re interested in PIP Claim Coverage in Tampa, you need to know a few things about what it is. It may sound relatively straight forward but it’s helpful to know some of the components. Here are three of the basic components.

Medical Care

First of all, when you’re in a wreck, odds are you will need a lot of medical care. PIP coverage will usually over all of the medical fees that you end up being charged with up to 10,000 dollars. Of course, there are also policies that may offer to cover up to even more than that. In fact, some even bring it up to 35,000 dollars. When you’re in an accident, you should be able to focus on getting better, rather than how much it’s going to cost you to be taken care of. If you have coverage, then you don’t have to worry so much about that.

Lost Wages

Another concern when a person has been in a car accident is how is work going to be possible. Say that you have been injured in a way that doesn’t allow you to do your job. How do you deal with that? For most people, this can be devastating. The lost wages could turn around and force them to lose everything. If you’ve been injured in an accident and won’t be able to get to work, then you deserve to be reimbursed for the lost wages. If you have PIP coverage, it will usually cover the wages lost as a result of the accident.

Property Damage

The last important component of PIP claim coverage in Tampa is collecting on property damage. The most obvious charge is generally the cost of the repairs or the car that was wrecked. This isn’t solely what it covers, however. You also are able to get money for extra transportation while you’re out of a car. Additionally, it pays for a towing company to help remove your car or bring it to a mechanic to be fixed.

If you’re someone who is interested in PIP claim coverage in Tampa, it’s important that you pay close attention to the components listed here and the others that you may discover. You may not want to think that an accident may happen, but sometimes they do and it’s best to be prepared.

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