If you are involved in an automobile accident, chances are you may suffer a personal injury and have a claim. A personal injury occurs when you are injured through no fault of your own by another party. Depending on the state where you live, how you handle that...
Month: May 2016
What are the conditions leading to outdoor slip and fall accidents?
The following include factors which may produce conditions which might result in slip and fall incident outdoors, and the regulations on the duties of the property owner as far as these conditions and factors are concerned. Snow or Ice Outside of a Building The law...
Reviewing Circumstances of a Fatality with a Wrongful Death Attorney in Queens County, NY
In New York, wrongful death laws enable families to file a claim for compensation. The monetary award for these claims equate to the funeral expenses, loss of support, and punitive damages. The circumstances of these events must identify avoidable actions. A wrongful...
Do You Need to Contact an Injury Attorney in Vermont?
Many individuals are not sure when they should contact an attorney after an injury has occurred. If an injury was not the individual's fault, they should contact an injury attorney in Vermont immediately. Injuries can be caused by an automobile accident, medical...
A Personal Injury Lawyer in Baltimore Can Help Clients Collect Special, General, and Punitive Damages
In personal injury cases, if one suffers property damage, an injury, or another type of loss, they can seek compensation from the at-fault party. There are two types of damages to be awarded: punitive and compensatory. Broadly speaking, compensatory damages can be...