It is very reasonable for a divorced couple, particularly if the children were young at the time of the divorce, to have one or more modifications of the child custody agreement. In Duval, FL, as in the rest of the state, the child custody and the child support orders are two different issues, but they can both become problematic over time and require a change.
Making the decision to hire a child custody attorney to represent you in court is not a decision to be taken lightly. Having the ability to be represented in court by a professional, experienced attorney is the only way to ensure mistakes aren’t made that could dramatically change the current child custody arrangement.
The Co-Parent Has Hired an Attorney
If the other parent has already hired a child custody attorney, it is important to also have legal representation. Assuming that the other parent wants to make a substantial change to custody is only reasonable if they have already hired a lawyer.
Your Spouse Lives in Another State
Child custody issues can quickly become complicated if both spouses now live in different states. In these cases, there is always a greater risk of legal issues occurring that are beyond the scope of providing self-representation in the court. Remember, judges cannot provide legal advice or support and errors made can be costly and impact the children.
Concerns About Allegations of Parenting Ability
It is essential to have a child custody attorney in Duval, FL if there is any indication that the other parent is trying to prove you are unfit as a parent. This may be the case if you are taking any type of court-ordered program or training, have had a mental health diagnosis in the past or have any history or alcohol or drug abuse.
Problems with Accessing the Kids
Parents are required to provide access to the other parent as per the co-parenting plan and child custody order. When parents cancel or deny access to the children, getting an attorney involved quickly will allow you to continue to have time with the children without the interference of the other parent.