Going through a divorce can be an emotional process. That is why you need to obtain the services of a legal specialist. Make sure that the lawyer you choose specializes in divorce cases and is committed to helping you reach a settlement.
Making the Choice for Collaboration
You have four options open to you if you are considering hiring a Divorce Lawyer in Keller TX. You can do it yourself, go through mediation using a neutral third party, go to court, or choose collaboration. If you choose to go through collaborative divorce proceedings, you control the process through legal representation. The process is private and the settlement is designed specifically for you and your family.
If you are having trouble resolving certain issues then, consulting with a collaborative divorce lawyer is a viable solution. A collaborative divorce is a legal option where each party in a divorce works with their individual lawyer to develop an agreement. The collaborative process uses experts to assist each party in dealing with financial, legal and emotional issues, and in developing plans that are unique to their circumstances.
Working toward a Solution
When you work with a collaborative divorce lawyer, everyone’s needs will be reviewed and considered. Experts in parenting are frequently used to create parenting plans or resolve emotional disputes. Financial experts may also be used to show couples how they can resolve any financial differences. The idea of collaboration is to work at obtaining a solution rather than taking a confrontational stance.
In order to find out more about how collaborative divorce proceedings work, contact a firm such as Mitchell Law Firm. The issues involved in a divorce can be complex. That is why a collaborative divorce is a positive way to reach a settlement. If you choose to file divorce papers yourself, you may have to ask the court to “fix” or remediate post-judgment complications. This can be more costly than simply consulting with a collaborative divorce attorney in the first place.