The Importance Of Patent Registration In The UAE

by | Feb 14, 2018 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Many businesses are moving to the UAE, specifically in the free trade zones set up throughout the seven Emirates, to take advantage of the tax benefits of doing business. When setting up a business and selling a new type of product or service, going through the process of patent registration to protect those products and services is an important step.

Legal Factors

In the UAE, Federal Law Number 17 of 2002, which was amended in 2006, is the law that controls patent registrations. These laws are set up to allow businesses to register and protect their inventions and also prevent competitors from creating identical copies in the market.

Patents are not the same as trademarks, and they only apply to inventions and then, only to inventions that meet specific requirements. Provided these requirements are met, the company can go through the patent registration process and complete all steps, which will provide patent protection in the UAE but not in other countries.

There is some coverage of patents throughout the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) which includes Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman in addition to the UAE. International legal firms in the Dubai can assist in patent registration in other countries as required.

Process and Duration

The full process of patent registration is lengthy and can take several years. However, once the patent is granted, it is in place for twenty years. Fees will be paid each year for the patent, but this will prevent anyone else from using or copying the invention.

While it is a long process, there are many advantages to business to protect their innovation through the use of a patent. With a law firm to guide the process, the business can trust that the process is moving forward without having to spend time on ensuring everything is completed in the application and the review. Visit the website for more information.

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