Personal Injury Lawyer in Saint Paul for Construction Accidents and Wrongful Death Lawsuits

by | Mar 8, 2016 | Personal Injury

Vocational hazards in the construction industry is high. Unlike in the past, executives of construction agencies have a legal duty to make their work-sites safe for employees. There are rules to follow for safety in certain construction projects. Construction workers who are seriously injured usually end up that way with the absence of one or more safety precautions. It’s the job of management to see that all work-sites meet safety standards for their workers. Many injuries in construction result in death. Surviving family members can get compensated for wrongful death claims. According to reports, one in three construction workers in the private sector dies in work related injuries. A Personal Injury Lawyer Saint Paul works diligently to get restitution for their clients.

In some circumstances, families can collect workers compensation from the employer as well. If one worker is responsible for putting another in a dangerous work condition, third-party lawsuits can be filed for wrongful death. A personal injury lawyer in Saint Paul explores all options for their clients so the best choice can be made for their financial future. Many of these cases have the welfare of children and a spouse hanging in the balance. Even when the reason for an injury is clear, the executives of construction agencies may try to deny liability. They might fight the case saying an injury didn’t happen while on duty, or the worker didn’t follow safety procedure. Lawyers speaking on behalf of their clients don’t let them get away with deceitful tactics.

Defective machinery or equipment are other grounds for third-party wrongful death claims. An injury lawyer may need to arrange some type of investigative work to prove a product used in construction had deadly manufacturing flaws. When culpability by the manufacturer is proven, the injured worker or family can seek compensation for damages. Improper equipment maintenance can lead to dangerous operation. When parts are failing or malfunction, injury can occur while the machine is running. The construction management team in charge of quality control are liable in a case like this. When good health has been taken away from construction accidents or occupational diseases, legal advocates are there to make sure the people it affects get financial redress. Visit Website for more details.

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