What Steps Must You Take To Deal With A Work Injury?

by | Mar 10, 2016 | Personal Injury

When a person is injured on the job, they can face a multitude of issues. Although workers’ compensation benefits are available for injured workers, it can sometimes be difficult for a person to be approved. A work injury requires a person to take several steps so their benefits can be approved. Although not required, many injured workers end up hiring a lawyer to help them through the process so it is less stressful. With this information, injured workers can be properly prepared so they will know what to expect during each step of the process.

Injured workers have an established period of time to report a work injury to their employer. Although there is a statute of limitations, it is extremely important that an injured worker informs their employer as soon as possible. The process cannot begin until the worker reports the injury because the employer must report the injuries to their insurance carrier. Once the insurance carrier receives this information, the process begins and the injured worker will be informed of the steps they will need to take so their benefits can be approved.

The insurance company will have different requirements that must be met before a claim can be approved. The first requirement is the employer must see the company-approved doctor so they can receive a full diagnosis and prognosis. Even if an injured worker is under the care of their own doctor, they will have no choice but to see this doctor because they will report back to the insurance company so the claim can be approved or denied.

Thankfully, an injured worker has other options if a claim is denied, which is when having a lawyer is especially important. The lawyer can help a person pursue an appeal so they can receive the fair workers’ compensation benefits they are entitled to.

If you have been seriously injured while on the job, it may be helpful for you to hire a lawyer, as they will work to represent you and protect your rights. Contact the law office of Business Name so you can get started on your claim right away. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

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