Win Your Case By Contacting An Auto Accident Injury Lawyer In Bellingham WA

by | Feb 6, 2018 | Lawyers

The best way for a victim to win the highest settlement possible for their injuries is to contact an Auto Accident Injury Lawyer in Bellingham WA. Early intervention by an attorney can increase an individual’s chance of receiving the largest settlement possible for their injuries. The attorney will protect a victim against the insurance company who has many attorneys working on their side.

An auto accident attorney will not charge any fees for their services. They will only receive a percentage of the settlement a victim receives if they win the case. This percentage will be discussed during a free consultation to discuss the facts of the case.

Negotiating With An Insurance Company

An Auto Accident Injury Lawyer in Bellingham WA has the experience that is needed to negotiate with an insurance company on a victim’s behalf. The attorney understands all of the tricks an insurance company will use to force an individual to settle for much less than they deserve. The attorney will clearly present the injuries a victim received and the pain and suffering they’ve endured.

Serious Injuries

Serious injuries in an automobile accident could be broken bones, loss of a limb, brain damage, a broken spine, nerve damage, and other serious injuries that could require a lifetime of medical treatment. If a victim passes away because of their injuries, a personal injury lawyer can file a wrongful death claim.


A victim can receive compensation for their medical bills, the pain, and suffering they’ve endured, the loss of wages, the loss of enjoyment of life and more. If an individual has passed away, surviving family members could receive similar compensation on behalf of their deceased loved one, including future loss of wages.

Completing Medical Treatment

A victim should always complete all of their medical treatment before they agree to settle a case. Once a settlement is signed by a victim and given to the insurance company, a victim cannot receive any further compensation for their injuries.

If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident, contact the Allen Law Firm as soon as possible. They will help you navigate the difficult legal system to receive a fair settlement for your injuries.

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