Pursuing a Settlement for Myelodysplastic Benzene Diagnosis in Chicago

by | Mar 28, 2024 | Lawyers

When you receive a diagnosis that could end your life prematurely, you understandably feel cheated and angry, particularly when you learn that the diagnosis stems directly from your career. You may fail to understand how your employer could expose you to toxic chemicals like benzene during the time you worked for the company.

Still, you have legal options available to you as a victim of this toxic exposure. Your first move can be to hire a lawyer to pursue a settlement for your myelodysplastic benzene diagnosis.

Getting the Full Sum

You may think taking a settlement could rob you of money to which you are entitled. You want to get the full amount that the company owes to you so you can take care of your family and focus on undergoing medical treatment.

Your lawyer, however, can make sure the settlement you receive is in line with what you would get in an insurance payment or a judgment from the court. You avoid the worry of running short of cash and having to rely on either disability payments or family members to take care of you. You also hold your employer fully accountable for what happened to you.

You can find out more about pursuing a settlement for your myelodysplastic benzene diagnosis online. To make a consultation or find out if you have a case, you can reach out to the Benzene Lawyers today.

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