When You Should Seek Legal Help from a Truck Accident Attorney

by | Nov 12, 2021 | Attorneys

Truck accidents occur unexpectedly. Sometimes, an innocent party becomes seriously injured due to no fault of their own. Ideally, the guilty party’s motor vehicle insurance should cover your bills during your recuperation, but that does not always happen. Learn when you should seek out legal help from a qualified truck accident attorney in New York.

Don’t Wait Until Medical Bills Pile Up

If your own health insurance does not cover your injuries due to a truck collision or other accident on the highway, the resulting medical expenses can be quite steep and difficult to pay especially if you are the main breadwinner in the family and cannot work as a result. Each state has personal injury laws that can help these accident victims gain the money or compensation for their bills.

Problems in the Trucking Industry That Can Lead to Accidents

There are times when an accident could have been prevented. This can include neglect of the proper maintenance on large trucks. Some trucking companies do not provide this important maintenance as often as required under law. In these cases, the company can be sued for damages. In other instances, private truckers do not maintain their own vehicles leading to increased chances of something going wrong while on the highways.

Construction or Highway Conditions Can Also Lead to Accidents

Construction occurs on roadways all the time. Injuries may occur due to negligence or unsafe conditions. Contact Kreizer Law, if you are looking for a truck accident attorney in New York.

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