If you are injured in an accident, you can file a claim against the at-fault parties insurance company. Many people go this route if they only suffered minor injuries and minimal damage to any property. Although you can take on an insurance company by yourself, an Elgin injury lawyer can take on powerful insurance companies and their team of lawyers when there is a great deal at stake. It is always in your best interest to hire a seasoned lawyer when your injuries are severe, and you anticipate a significant loss of income as a result.
There are important reasons for hiring an injury lawyer:
A lawyer understands your situation:
If you do suffer serious injuries, there is far too much at risk to take a chance on your being able to negotiate a settlement that reflects the situation. Chances of your knowing and understanding the legal process and what compensation you should expect to get is probably limited. A knowledgeable Elgin injury lawyer knows the law and how to best use it to your advantage.
A lawyer knows how to deal with insurance companies:
The objective of an insurance company is to make money, and they know the way to do this is by minimizing the compensation you will get. Your lawyer’s job, on the other hand, is to maximize your award. Injury lawyers deal with insurance companies all the time, and they know how to negotiate on your behalf.
A lawyer has the resources to see your claim through to the end:
There are many times when it becomes necessary to engage the services of expert witnesses to prove the extent of the damage. An Elgin injury lawyer knows the experts and which ones to use to support your claim, and the firm has the resources necessary to do so as legal fees are settled once the claim is resolved.
If you suffer an injury because of negligent act of another person or entity, you should hire an Elgin injury lawyer and sue for damages. To discuss your case, contact Shea Law Group. Follow us on Google+.